Complete physical therapy in Yadkinville
Complete physical therapy care at Yadkin Physical Therapy includes a wide variety of services, including hands-on manual therapy and leading-edge, state-of-the-art treatments for:
- Back problems (back pain, lower back pain, upper back pain)
- Neck problems (neck pain, whiplash injury)
- Work injuries (Workers’ Compensation)
- Sports injuries diagnosis and treatment
- Orthopedic injuries (knee injuries, ACL injuries, torn ACL; shoulder joint pain, rotator cuff tear)
- Sprains and strains (strained muscle)
- Tennis elbow, wrist pain relief
- Ankle pain, foot pain relief
- Postsurgical pain (knee pain, shoulder joint pain, ankle pain)
- Women’s issues (pelvic pain, urinary incontinence, fibromyalgia, etc.)
Yadkin Physical Therapy specializes in providing the services that are most needed by people of all ages from Yadkinville and nearby communities, including:
- Evaluation and assessment
- Therapeutic exercise
- Postural evaluation and correction
- Balance/gait training
- Patient education
- Massage therapy from a licensed massage therapist
- Aquatic therapy (aqua therapy)
- K-Laser treatment
Find complete physical therapy services at Yadkin Physical Therapy. Call 336-677-1800 or use our convenient Request an Appointment form. We welcome patients from Yadkinville, Hamptonville, Elkin, Mocksville, Lewisville, Boonville, East Bend, Jonesville and nearby areas.